How Be a Productive Photographer in 2023

Looking back on this last year, it happened to be one of the most productive years to date in my business.

I photographed amazing clients.

I supported hundreds of photographers in my mentorship program.

I wrote and self published a book (with two more nearly ready to go)!

I created new marketing funnels in my business.

All the while, I also homeschooled my boys, spent quality time with my family and learned how to play the piano!

2022 was extremely productive, both in business and personally. Looking back, I can see clearly what enabled me to get more done professionally while also deepening my personal relationships and having time to invest into my hobbies.

And in this video, I'm going to share with you one weekly strategy to become more productive and profitable in your photography business so you can book more clients and make more income doing what you love.

It all boils down to this one thing: having a consistent check in time with yourself every week where you reassess the past week and plan for the future week.

Personally, I set aside 20 minutes every Saturday morning to go through this process. I grab my laptop, find a quite place and ask myself these questions:

  1. What is one mistake or lesson I learned this past week? This question allows take an honest look at what you could have done better. There is no shame. We are human and we will mess up at times, but we become better and our businesses becomes better when we can learn from our mistakes.

  2. What can I do this week that will make the following week easier and more productive? This is really eye opening. It will shed light on the little things that don't matter in the long run that you may be spending too much time and energy on. It will also help you recognize the few key tasks that will help you grow more strategically and set your business up for long terms success.

Truthfully, there is more to becoming a super productive photographer, but if you can commit to setting aside 20 minutes a week to have your own check in time and ask yourself these two questions, you'll be well on your way to accomplishing a lot more in your photography business in 2023.

If you want to go the extra mile and learn specific marketing, pricing and selling strategies to help you become fully booked as a photographer, grab our ebook: The Become Booked Method. You can learn more about it at

Happy New Year, my friend!


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