4 Reasons Why You are Not Booking Photography Clients And How To Fix It

There can be times in your photography business where it feels like nothing is working.

Like you're doing all you can think of but you still can't seem to book more clients...

Have you been there?

If so, here are four possible reasons (and what to do to get unstuck):

#1. You are not building on a solid foundation.

You do not have clarity about the number of bookings you want or how much money you want to make in your business every month. Or you are not clear on the type of client you want to photograph most, therefor you do not know how directly speak to them in a way that makes you stand out from all the other photographers. I address that in this free training you are welcome to watch!

#2. You are switching strategies too often.

I’ve said this before, and I'll say it again: Consistency is key! With all the shiny objects out there, it's easy to get distracted by all the things you can be doing, but you have to stick with one marketing strategy for an extended period of time to see accurate results.

Tough question and I want you to be honest: When was the last time you actually followed through with a plan or marketing strategy for more than 30 days? If you can’t say you have, this may in fact be the reason why you feel so stuck.

#3 Instead of tweaking to make things better, you start something brand new.

Nothing is perfect from the start. If you don't believe me, I can show you photos from my first paid photography session and you'll be able to see how bad my work was!

Instead of getting distracted and chasing down something else, take time to figure out why what you are doing isn't working. If you take the time to tweak and refine, overtime, you can make that thing so much better.

#4. You're standing in your own way.

This can show up in a few different ways. You could be doing all the things outwardly, but inside you may be full of doubt and second guess every move you make. Or maybe you are trying to be like so and so down the road who's killing it with XYZ so you force yourself to do the thing, even if it feels inauthentic to you.

Instead embrace your own unique strengths rather than trying to out-grind your weaknesses.

If you are not happy with where your business is today, that’s ok. By taking personal responsibility, changing your mindset and actions, your business can look vastly different in a relatively short amount of time.

Now, I'd love to hear from you. Comment below and let me know which of these points hit home most for you!

Cheering you on!


P.S. If you are feeling stuck in your photography business, unsure of what to do next or overwhelmed...we can help. In fact, that's exactly why The Booked Photographer Mentorship program exists. We help portrait photographers attract their ideal leads using uncomplicated marketing strategies that work, turn those leads into bookings and then into portrait sales of at least $1000 PER portrait client (though many of our students achieve $2000, $3000 and even $6000 sales from ONE portrait client). We can help you get unstuck and fully booked too! First step is to take two minutes to apply right here.


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