How Much Can You Really Make From Photography Portrait Sessions?

One of the highest sales I ever had in my photography business was $6800.

It wasn't a wedding or some big corporate event either.

That sale came from one single high school senior portrait session where I spent an hour and a half photographing... hour culling and editing,

...and an hour during revealing their portraits the same day as her session.

Mom and senior loved their images and kept adding to the order.

Then the mom wrote me the biggest check a photography client had ever given me. the middle of a Panera Bread, which was where I was doing their Ordering Appointment.

There was no fancy studio or big screen TV or mood lighting and I only had the bare minimum product samples with me.

I had no fancy clothing. In fact, I was in my yoga pants and still sweaty from the session we photographed an hour earlier.

But none of that "fluff" mattered.

My clients were thrilled and thanked over and over again for capturing this beautiful season in the senior's life.

I left completely floored that someone would pay me that much for a high school senior session.


Think about that.

If one client, just one client, paid you $6800 for ONE session, would that make a difference in your business? your family finances? your confidence level?

And to think, I hear from photographers say something like:

"I don't really care about the money - I just want to capture's life's precious moments for people!"

But why can't it be both?

Why do you feel like you have to choose between pursuing your photography passion, giving your clients an amazing experience OR staying stuck in a day job you hate just to have consistent finances?

My theory is that many photographers say they "don't care" about the money part of it because they don't feel confident charging or don't think they are worth it.

Would you agree?

The truth of the matter is that you can serve your clients well, provide gorgeous portraits, put your heart and soul into your craft AND ALSO be paid really well in return.

This same client actually ended booking me again for her next child's senior portraits. Mom already told me that she wants to get the exact same products as before too.

I plan doing the same thing: no fancy studio space and no bells and whistles for the viewing appointment.

Just me, with my few samples, in a Panera Bread, showing up and serving my clients well.

It's ok for you to be paid well for the photography services you provide. As you serve, love and help your client, expect to receive money in return.

It's not all about the money of course, but having the financial resources will enable you to continue hone your craft, serve your clients at the highest level and financially bless your family.

If you are having trouble pricing your photography sessions, weddings and products, don't know what to charge or feel the need to discount your sessions, grab our Profitable Photographer's Pricing Calculator. This calculator will take out all the guess work and will show you exactly what to charge per client in order to hit your unique revenue goals.

Stop wondering what to charge for your photography and grab your profitable calculator here!

Cheering you on!



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