4 Tips to Grow Your Photography Business Without Working More Hours
Have you ever fallen into the trap of saying yes too much?
Even though having freedom is one of my highest values in my business, sometimes I fall into the trap of saying yes too much.
Sometimes I over-commit to all the things, without taking adequate time to rest, and then I crash and burn.
I had to learn to scale back and not immediately jump at every opportunity. And to be honest, I'm continuously learning how to do this!
Perhaps you can relate to this in some way too?
If you do, asking yourself these 4 questions will help you leverage your time and grow your business so that you can avoid crashing and burning (like I’ve done)!
1. What can I eliminate altogether?
Not all tasks are created equally. Maybe some things you do aren't bringing in any measurable results so perhaps it's time to let those things go.
2. What can I automate?
There are so many tools to automate large segments of your business. Everything from scheduling out content, bookings, payments, emails and more. Is there anything that you are manually doing that you can automate?
3. What can I batch?
You can be so much more efficient with your time if you turn off your phone, focus on ONE task and get it done! Why take weeks or months to complete something that can be done after a few hours of focused attention?
4. What can I outsource?
One of my coaches used to tell me "you can have it all, but you can't do it all." She was right. If there is someone else who can do something quicker and easier than you, then why not save yourself the time and hassle?
For the last few months, I’ve really focused heavily more on outsourcing (this used to be my biggest struggle)…and it has been incredible. I’m growing a team of those who can support the business’s day to day tasks, which gives me the time and space to strategize + implement long term growth strategies.
Not to mention, outsourcing more also gives me more time freedom to be with my kids more without the added stress of the long and; random list of business things to do (because my team is managing that). Why just within the last week, I’ve been able to take my kids on mini field trips, like to Washington DC where they were able to see the nation’s monuments in person and learn more about our founding fathers (which is something we’ve been studying about while homeschooling.
The bottom line is that you do not have to do it all yourself to have a thriving photography business.
Take a moment to honestly look at all that you do for your business and filter it through these 4 questions. When you do, you’ll experience more growth and less stress.
Cheering you on!
PS. Have you seen the 3 Secrets to a Fully Booked & Wildly Successfully Photography Business Masterclass yet?
It’s already helped 1000s of photographers create a solid 5 step action plan for booking more ideal clients. I even give away one of my highest converting marketing scripts! Photographers have used that one strategy alone to book 3 clients in 7 days!
And you watch the class (and get the free marketing script) here!