6 Stress Free Tips for Handling Photography Client Payments

Most photographers get into the business because they are passionate about taking pictures. Typically, it's an after thought that they can make a good living from photography. Truthfully, when I first got into photography, I never thought I'd do it as a business! Yet here I am 12 years later!

Because most photographers are not "business minded people," handling things like pricing and accepting payments does not come easy or natural them. And that's OK! That's actually why I'm recording this video: to share with you 5 Tips for handling customer payments without feeling icky about sales!

1._Be clear about your expectations regarding what you charge and when you require payment from the very start. Personally, I host consultation calls with my potential clients where I gain a better idea of what they want and they can learn more about my photography process. By providing a clear breakdown of what's included and the price point from the outset, you'll avoid confusion later on. If you're interested in seeing a video where I talk more in detail about that initial conversation, you can watch it here!

2. Always have a signed contract. As a legitimate business owner, it is imperative that you use a contract any and every time you work with a client. A contract will outline the services you're providing, the price point and payment schedule if applicable. Though this ought to be verbally stated at the initial consultation, having a written and signed contract where details are reiterated helps protect you and your clients from potential misunderstandings and disputes.

3. Send reminders. Your clients have a lot going on in there life so take the extra step to send them reminders about any upcoming payments and what to expect next.

4. Use online payment platforms. I personally use Square Up but Stripe and PayPal also work. These platforms allow you to send invoices and create payment plans which simplify the entire process.

5. If you accept payments in person from clients, such as at an in person ordering appointment, encourage your clients to bring their check books to pay. This prevents you from having to pay additional credit card fees, which can potentially save hundreds or thousands of dollars every year. If however, they do not have or do not bring their check book, get a credit card reader that you can swipe their card in person. Square Up offers a free magstripe reader that you can connect to your phone, swipe and immediately be paid! Easy peasy!

6. Keep accurate financial records. Track all the money coming in and out of your business on a consistent basis. Personally, I do this every Friday and it helps immensely in knowing where I stand financially in business. Plus it makes tax season so much easier. Tracking and managing your business finances is such a big topic that we discuss this at length in our mentorship program. If you interested in learning more about mentoring with us, comment MENTORSHIP below!

The bottom line is that handling customer payments, even for the creative photographer, does not have to cause stress! By clearly communicating and organizing your records, you can ensure a smooth and stress free process for you and your photography clients!

Cheering you on!



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