5 Tips to Help you Sell Your Photography as an Introvert
Sales can feel icky to a lot of photographers, especially if they are introverts (Ike myself)! But there is a way to effortlessly create more bookings and high portrait sales within your photography business without feeling like a used car salesman and even if you are an introvert! Here are 5 tips to help you become more successful at sales as a photographer!
How to Respond to Clients who Just want Digitals
Are your struggling from making the transition from shoot and burn to In Person Sales? Are your clients constantly asking for the digitals? Here’s how to address that questions with your photography clients and still encourage high product sales and happy clients.
6 Stress Free Tips for Handling Photography Client Payments
Many photographers feel as though they are not "business minded people!" Therefore talking about what they charge and handling payments from clients may be a tad overwhelming. IF that's you, read to learn six stress free tips for handling photography clients payments with ease!
Is it possible to make 6 figures as a Portrait Photographer? Yes! Here's how!
Creating six figures and beyond as a portrait photographer is completely possible. And the better news is that you do not need to run yourself ragged, work crazy hours or neglect your family or sleep in order to achieve it. Here are three things you can do right now to hit six figures as a portrait photographer
5 Tips on Selling Photography Products, Even If Everyone Wants the Digitals
Do you want to offer your clients products or shift into doing IPS? By doing so, you will create higher sales averages and happier clients! Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when it comes to selling photography products, especially if your clients just want the digitals!
7 Ways to Earn Higher Sales from Your Portrait Clients
It's true! You can go from earning a few hundred to well over $1000 portrait sales without feeling slimy and having happy clients. Here's 7 tips to help get you there!
5 Signs to Know if You Should Increase Your Photography Prices
Many photographers resist raising their prices. After all, coming up with initial prices is a big hurdle so the thought increasing them leads to a ton of uneasiness! So how do you know if now is the right time to increase your session or wedding pricing? Here are 5 signs that tell you it's time to raise your prices.
3 Tips to Setting (and Hitting) Your New Year Photography Business Goals
Have you set your New Year photography business goals yet? It can be either a fun or overwhelming process! Here are 3 tips to help you set and achieve your goals in business!
3 Tips to Ditch the Dreaded Day Job and Do Photography Full Time
Is it really possible to make a comfortable, full-time living with photography, even in this economy? Yes! 100% yes! But you must do these three things.
How Much Can You Really Make From Photography Portrait Sessions?
You may be shocked to learn what my highest portrait sale was (and also how you can experience the same)! It's time for you to experience multiple four figure portrait sales too! Details here.
3 Tips to Make More Money As A Photographer
Does talking about money make you feel sleazy, slimy or unworthy? If so, you aren’t alone! A lot of photographers are held back by the whole money and sales conversation. Here are Three tips to make more money, and even earn a comfortable living, from photography!
8 Steps to Make Your Photography Business Legal
Getting your photography business set up legally is one of the most overwhelming things for newer photographers! Here is a list of the 8 things you need to do to make your business legit (relax - it's not as difficult as you think)!
Shoot & Burn VS IPS: What's better?
Aside from booking more clients, photographers want to make more money, but pricing and structuring your photogprahy collections can be overwhelming for most. How do you know which option is right for you? Learn more about the two most popular photography pricing structure in this blog post!
5 Steps to Book Photography Clients with One Conversation
Are you afraid of being too "pushy" or "salesy" in your photography business? Do you get knots in your stomach or stumble over your words when you are pitching your photography to a prospective client? If so, watch this special interview where I share 5 steps to effortlessly convert your inquiries into paying clients!
3 Steps to Profitable Photography Pricing
The average photographer makes $8 an hour. With all the costs of business to factor in, not to mention the rising of inflation, it is absolutely vital that photographers create a profitable pricing structure. Here's how.
3 Tips to Become More Profitable as a Photographer
Most photographers feel sleazy or slimy when it comes to talking about money and selling their photography collections. There’s no need to! Here are 3 tips to become more profitable as a photographer (and create happier clients in the process)!
Curious What to Charge For Your Photography? Do this.
Are you agonizing over what to charge as a photographer? Are you scared to increase your prices? Do your feel like you have to discount all the time? Or do you get super uncomfortable talking about money with your clients? Watch this video to learn how to become a profitable photographer!
Creating $1k+ Portrait Sales in Your Photography Business
If you want to create a profitable photography business, it is absolutely essential you strive to create consistent $1000+ portrait sales. Here's why (and how)!
5 Tips to Know When To Raise Your Photography Pricing
Many photographers resist raising their prices so here are 5 tips to know whether or not you can confidently increase your price points!
5 Tips to Increase Your Photography Portrait Sales Averages
Many photographers say they want to become more profitable as a photographer, but are not sure how. Here are 5 tips to increasing your portrait sales averages without feeling sleazy!