What To Do When You Feel Defeated in Your Photography Business

"Y'all ever have moments where you just feel defeated? I'm in that. Like maybe I should give this photography thing up and become an accountant, but I'm bad at math. How do you overcome feeling defeated?"

That question was posted the other day in one of my Facebook communities.

It's such a great question and something that I think every photographer (every human for that matter) deals with from time to time.

Feeling defeated on a goal we've been going after for some time is a normal feeling to have.

Nearly at every stage of my business, I have felt that, too, to some degree or another.

And you may be feeling defeated right now.

  1. Perhaps you are not booking as many clients as you want.

  2. Maybe you are stuck in a job you can't stand and desperately want to do photography full time.

  3. Or maybe you have this passion for photography, but you are not getting the support you need, even from friends and family.

It can be a lonely journey so for today, I wanted to answer that question for you and share how I overcome feeling defeated in my business.

Personally, what has helped me refocus is simply stepping away from business stuff, just for a few days.

I don't log into my email, open up my laptop or even hop on social media.

Instead, I try to spend more time outside on hikes, playing with my kids, listening to praise and worship music and learning how to play the guitar (that's been on my bucket list for the longest time)!

Basically, I do other things I enjoy to get out of my own head.

And honestly, the short day or two separation from business stuff can be so eye opening.

It gives me the space needed to not make big decisions when my emotions are high.

Often times a solution to whatever problem I was dealing with has presented itself so I keep going in business with a newfound energy and hope.

What we need to realize is that it's totally ok - and often times needed - to take a mental break every now and then from the pressures of growing a photography business.

You are more than a photographer and it's important to fill your life with other things that you also enjoy.

And I bet you'll find that if you are feeling defeated in business, taking a small step away and filling it with other things you enjoy, will reenergize you to persevere in business from a place of rest and joy and not one of toil.

Cheering you on,


P.S. Have you grabbed your copy of The Becoming Booked Method Ebook yet? Inside, we share our uncomplicated and easy method we use to help photographers consistently attract their ideal clients and earn a comfortable living doing what what the love! Get your copy here!


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