The Most Important Photography Marketing Strategy You're Missing

I was on a coaching call the other day with my Booked Photographer Mentorship students.

We were chatting about the most effective ways of marketing and attracting leads who will then become paying clients.

And if you’re alive and breathing, most people say that posting consistently on Instagram, going live or doing reels is a great way to grow your following and turn those followers into bookings.

And it’s true. Instagram works.

But is it really the best marketing strategy to use?

No. Not at all.

Let me explain…

You don’t own Instagram. The algorithm changes constantly. And you can lose your account in the blink of an eye.

In fact, last week, my Instagram was hacked and as of writing this email, I still have no way of getting back on that platform with my original account.

It’s gone. Poof. Vanished.

And despite countless attempts to reach out to support, I haven’t heard a thing.

It stinks for sure! I had a pretty decent following and ton of content, photos and videos and was in a really great habit of posting consistently, yet none of that now matters since my Instagram is gone.

But there is good news.

I’m not lost without Instagram. I can still operate my business without it.

Along with growing my Instagram, I’ve also spent years growing the more effective marketing strategy.

An email list.

An email list is not the shiniest or sexiest marketing strategic (or even the most fun), but think of it like security blanket.

It’s absolutely vital.

I’m not saying to ignore Instagram or social media altogether. Those are definitely important pieces to the marketing puzzle.

But if your instagram or Facebook was hacked, like mine recently was, could you still operate your photography business effectively?

Do you still have a way of reaching out to past clients and leads? Do you still have a way of promoting your photography if your social media vanished?

If the answer is "no" or if it feels like you’ve been suckered punched in the stomach at the thought of losing all your social media…

Then consider starting or growing your email list and sending weekly, bi-weekly or monthly emails.

Not only is does email offer more marketing security (there have been times where Facebook has shut me out for a solid six weeks and other times where my website goes down for days on end), it’s also more effective.

In fact, did you know…

  1. Less than 6% of your social media audience actually sees your post VS if you have an active email list, on average 20% of those on your list will open and read those emails?

  2. Email drives higher clicks to your website, booking page and ultimately booking conversions (typically 50-100 times more) than any other marketing platform out there?

  3. It’s easier to build an email list than a social media following. Statistically speaking, If you send 500 visitors to your Instagram and 500 visitors to your email opt in page, the email opt in page will result in 50% more email subscribers than new followers.

  4. Email lists will outlive the ever growing and charging nuances of social media.

Social media is great for engaging with your audience, but clearly email marketing outperforms it in terms of reach and getting someone to take action (like book a photography session).

So doesn’t it make more sense to also invest in the marketing strategy that will give you a higher ROI over time?

Email lists are an integral part of booking more clients that we dedicated multiple trainings that walk photographers through how to build and grow their own email list inside The Booked Photographer Mentorship Program.

And if you’re curious to learn how building your own list can result in more bookings, plus offer more marketing security knowing that you’re business will survive - even thrive - regardless what social media does, then apply for the The Booked Photographer Mentorship right here!

Cheering you on!


PS. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit bummed about losing my nearly 9k followers and all of my photo and video content from my old IG. But there is no use whining about it! I started a new and fresh IG here so help a girl out, give me a follow and shoot me a DM saying HI!


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