The Truth about Marketing Your Photography Business

I've found that most photographers know that they need to market to bring in leads, but very few know how to market effectively.

In fact, there's a lot of hesitation and second guessing around marketing strategies.

And because we live in such an instant, microwavable society and are accustomed to getting things right now, we feel that our marketing must bring in leads, clients and ROI immediately.

But here's the reality: there is no guarantee when it comes to marketing.

You can post online, dance in a reel, attend the local networking group, try facebook ads....

...but those activities if done once in a blue moon don't always guarantee results.

Here's the problem: When photographers market their businesses, but do not get the engagement, leads or clients they want, they feel like something is wrong with them.

What we need to realize is that marketing is not personal.

It's not emotional.

Marketing is simply testing.

It's simply trying new things in order to find out what works best. And once we find the strategy that woks best for us, we amplify those efforts.

So in order to know if a marketing strategy is going to work, it requires testing...

Not simply one of post....or one live...or a one reel....or one blog...or one ad where only $10 was spent.

Testing requires consistency.

Testing requires time over weeks and months to determine whether or not that strategy will work.

You can not expect to see inquiries and clients without going through the test.

But if you are willing to stay consistent in the test, you will discover which marketing strategies will work best in attracting your ideal photography clients.

Cheering you on!


P.S. If you'd like to see some of the simple marketing strategies that worked for me (and my students) so that they could create a fully booked and wildly successful photography business, then Join us on the next 3 Secrets to a Fully Booked & Wildly Successful Photography Business and learn the booked photographer method!

All the details are here!


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