5 Tips to Increase Your Photography Portrait Sales Averages

Money is something that holds a lot of photographers back.

They either don't have enough, procrastinate on upping their prices, or feel like they are going to puke every time they communicate pricing with potential clients (or all of the above)!

But money (and the actual pricing + sales of your business) doesn't need to leaving you feeling sleazy, slimy or unworthy.

Money is simply a tool to do more of what you love and give back to the causes that tug on your heart strings.

So as a photographer who is committed to growing her business, it's extremely important to address money and learn how to create higher sales averages.


Because higher sales means more freedom.

  1. It means you can quit the day job you hate.

  2. It means you can treat your family on a long overdue vacation.

  3. It means you can invest in a studio space or upgrade your gear.

Having a profitable photography business will give you more choices and allow you more freedoms!

So how exactly do you become more profitable as a photographer?

Here are 5 tips to increase your portrait sales averages and find more financial freedom in your business:

1. Communicate your photography pricing from the VERY FIRST contact with a potential client. Pricing should be on your website and basic starting pricing / collections should be reiterated when you respond to an inquiry in an email.

2. Have phone consultations. Not everyone reads every word of every email. This is why it's so important to reiterate pricing ON THE PHONE with potential clients. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about the products they are thinking about getting so that you can provide a more customized experience for them.

3. Send multiple email + text message reminders leading up to their photoshoot and ordering appointments. Your clients have a lot going in their life so take the time to refresh their memory. They will appreciate the extra reminders!

4. Give your clients a tangible brochure to after their photoshoot that shares your product offerings, starting prices, testimonials and all the important info regarding their ordering appointment!

5. Try Same Day Viewings!!! This one I love!!!! The cliff note version is that once I'm done photographing a client, they go grab a bite to eat while I quickly download, cull and lightly edit their images. We then meet back up the SAME DAY (usually an hour later) and they can see their photos immediately. They pick out their favorites images, their products and pay for it all the same day as their photoshoot! Doing this one thing increased my sales averages by $1000 without having to up my prices!!!

So there you have it! 5 tips to increase your portrait sales averages with ease!

What now? Pick one tip on this list and implement it in your business this week!

And if you'd like a little step by step guidance and my exact framework for creating $1000+ Portrait Sales, {{check it out here}}!

You got this!


P.S. Are you curious how to create higher sales and happier clients? {{Check out our $1k+ Portrait Sales System here}}!

Inside, I share the exact strategy (word for word) that I use to create consistent 5 figure months while photographing 4-6 portrait clients. You'll learn what products to sell and how to sell them to your clients without feeling like a icky used cars salesman!

The $1k+ Portrait Sales System is perfect for the photographers who want to make more income AND have the time freedom to be with their family.

All the details are here


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