Top 7 Mistakes Photographers Make with Facebook Ads


Guess what that number represents?

That number is how much I've spent to date on Facebook Advertising.

It may feel like a lot and yes, it certainly is but...

If I told you that I routinely see an 8x + return on my ad spend, would you still feel like it's a lot?

Or is it just smart business to invest in the marketing strategies where I see a monetary return?

I've been using ads for years in my business, but when I was just starting out, I definitely didn't see an 8x return!

In fact, I was clueless when it came to ads! I was terrified to put my hard earned dollars into ads because I was wasn't sure I'd get my money back. After all, I didn't want to waste money!

I know there are many other photographers (maybe you), who use or would like to use Facebook Ads to attract ideal photography clients, but are unsure where to start.

I teach ads pretty extensively inside The Booked Photographer Mentorship so we cover a lot of this on a weekly basis...

But for today, I wanted to share with you the Top 7 Mistakes Photographers Make with Facebook Advertising so that in time, you too can become confident with your ads and see an ROI as well!

So in no particular order, here are the top 7 mistakes photographers make with Facebook ads:

1. Having No Clear Ad Strategy or Objective

There's a lot you can do with Facebook Ads! Like a lot!!! But in order to be effective with ads, you first need to define what your goals are.

  1. Do you want to get more traction, likes and engagement to your FB or IG business pages?

  2. Do you want to build your email list?

  3. Do you want immediate bookings?

Each objective will have a unique strategy to complete that goal so the first step in creating effective ads is defining what your goal is with ads.

2. Sending Ad Leads Directly To The Homepage Of Your Website

This piggy backs off the first point. I have found that when photographers do not have a clear objective for their ads, they will default to sending their leads to the homepage of their website. You may have a gorgeous website, which is great, but here's the truth: sending cold facebook leads to your website homepage is a waste of money.

It is much more effective (and profitable) to send your leads to a landing page. A landing page can be built within your website, but instead of having multiple options for your viewer to click on (like the pricing section, blog, about me, investment, etc), a landing page offers ONE CLEAR objective / button for your visitor to choose. Usually it's to grab a freebie so you can build your email list or it can be to book a session. If your lead has only ONE option to choose, they are less likely to get distracted with all the other options and take the action you want them to take.

3. Having No Call To Action

I'm not going to limit this to just Facebook Ads as this tip can be applied to any and ALL marketing content but essentially....

You must tell your lead what to do next after seeing your ad! Do you want them to click the link? Comment below? Like or follow?

Most people will not take an action unless you tell them to so take the few extra moments and clearly say what your lead should do next.

4. Pitching + Selling Too Much And Too Often

If you're constantly marketing with "book me now" or "discount available" type of ads, you may be sending the wrong message and sound too desperate.

Don't get me wrong, those ads do work, but does that mean you should use them all the time? Nope.

It's important to vary up the ads you use (or use them simultaneously). This keeps your ad content fresh and is also a wonderful opportunity to offer value based content that builds trust with your potential client. Things like What to Wear Guides, Photoshoot Checklists, etc that address your clients common concerns is a great way to build rapport.

More recently, I've been playing around with video view ads that retarget my leads with helpful 3 minute videos. One person who just booked me last month literally said "I just started seeing your helpful videos everywhere on Facebook so I had to book you!" (Yes! That's the goal)!

Getting the booking is great! But don't underestimate the power of offering helpful content along the way that builds trust and rapport.

5. Not Following Up With Ad Leads.

I was with a few new friends the other day, one of whom is in the middle of planning her wedding. And you know what she said to me?

She was expressing her frustration because photographers are not responding back to her inquiries or are simply taking too long to get back to her! Another person in our conversation pipped up and said she had dealt with the same thing ever year when she looks to book a family photographer! Both women were frustrated that photographers are not responding to them in a timely manor!

When you do not respond to your inquiries and leads or do not follow up with them every few days, you will loose the booking!

Personally, I make a point to follow up with my leads every 3 days or so. I'm such a stickler for following up that I actually have an excel spreadsheet where I document the conversations I have with leads and when I follow up. I've been doing this for years and over and over again, my leads are thanking me for following up with them - and are then booking me! Of course this tip can also be applied to any lead regardless of whether or not they show up in your inbox as a result of Facebook Ads.

6. Spending Too Little And Expecting Too Much

In order to see results with ads, you have to spend money. I know that may make you feel uncomfortable but there is no away around it. You got to be willing to invest and invest more than just a few dollars.

When a photographer tells me they are not getting results with their ads, one of the first questions I ask them is how much money are they spending on a daily basis.

I typically hear back $2 or $5 day....and to be blunt: that's not enough to really gain traction and see results with ads (especially for conversion ads).

The more you spend, the more Facebook will put your ad in front of people. The more people who see your ad, the greater likelihood you have of building your audience, growing your email list or booking more clients.

I recommend a daily spend of $20 for conversion ads to start out with. If you spend less, understand that it will take longer to see results so just because you don't have a booking on day two the ad is live doesn't necessarily mean it's not working. More likely, it means that not enough people have seen your ads. It's a numbers game.

7. Lastly, the biggest mistake I see photographers make with ads is feeling like they aren't good at it.

  1. "Facebook Ads didn't work for me."

  2. "Facebook Ads is a waste of money."

  3. "Facebook just took all my money and I didn't even get a single lead!"

I've heard those from photographers many times. And I get it.

Even though I've spent well over six figures on Facebook advertising, I was CLUELESS when I first started too.

I made mistakes (many of the same ones listed here). I was overwhelmed with how to manage Facebook Ads and I was terrified I wouldn't see a return on the money I put into it.

As with all other areas of life, it takes time and diligent practice to increase in your knowledge and skillset. You didn't pop out of the womb immediately knowing how to walk. You didn't pick up a camera the first time and immediately know how to shoot in manual mode. You had to learn. Every bit of knowledge you have now, you had to learn through time and practice.

Why do we expect Facebook Ads to be any different?

If you are willing to put in the time, practice and a bit of money, you can learn effective ad strategies that will allow you to see a massive return on your investment.

Facebook Ads is a wonderful option when it comes to attracting more clients and booking out your calendar. If you are making any of the mistakes listed above, that's ok! Tweak what you are doing and keep going.

If you are curious to learn how to create winning ad campaigns that fill your inbox and book out your calendar, consider applying for The Booked Photographer Mentorship, where I can personalize help you get booked.

Learn more and apply here.

Cheering you on,



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